Vayne or Quinn Which One is Easy



































This one is possibly one of the weakest 2v2's at level 1 especially against a ranged support. If both duos enter lane at the same time you will never get the push and the enemy will control the first 3-5 waves however they like. Your goal is to scout where the enemy starts and if they leash, that's your chance to trim the wave to attempt a level 2 all-in. Other than that your objective is to try to survive the first few levels and look for very short trades on Alistar's combo with a 3 hit proc and to disengage with your E Condemn.

Depending on who the enemy duo is you might have more issues with that or not, but that's up to the state of the game. Overall another spike you have is at level 6 where you both obtain your ultimates and can attempt dives with Alistar's Unbreakable Will.


Alistar is also possibly one of the best supports you can face as you can shut down his combo with your Condemn which totally nullifies his lane potential. His level one is also the weakest out of the support pool and hence he has no threats to either force an all-in or trade level 1 to gain pressure in lane. This allows you to try to hit level 2 faster and control the tempo of the matchup.

Later one, your main damage source (your W Silver Bolts) ignores his damage reduction from Unbreakable Will and hence he can't even tank you to draw pressure. Be aware of flanks from him or engages with Flash and combo because you can get caught out easily if you don't have the reaction time.


It's important to play around the minion waves with a Bard as he can easily stun the enemies if you're fighting inside one, Bard also has healing with his W Caretaker's Shrine which allows you to trade a lot with the enemy especially if their support doesn't have any healing.

If Bard misses Q Cosmic Binding then be extremely careful for around 10 seconds as that's his only offensive tool in 2v2 fights, however if he does land it then make sure to get some damage off, either in a small trade or an all in if you think you'll win.

In general your lane is very weak because Bard will like to roam around the map for ganks or meeps and hence you'll be likely to be left alone at one point. Identify when the enemy can dive you and run away from the tower to clear camps to maximize your economy at that point.


Try to bait the Bard Q Cosmic Binding as soon as possible; look to sidestep or Q Tumble to the side and then use the 10 seconds window to walk up and trade with your autos until it's back up. Keep in mind that Bard offers healing to the enemy ADC with his W Caretaker's Shrine so be careful not to trade evenly unless your support heals more. His shrines are likely placed behind his minion wave or in bushes so be careful with extended trades where you chase them.

Because of your low range and probability that you have stay in your minion wave to auto the enemy wave, it's possible that Bard will have a lot of opportunities to land a Q Cosmic Binding stun on you so take care of your positioning and make sure there is at least another minion behind you that you can Q Tumble through.

Later one he's pretty easy to play against as his CC is conditional and your mobility and invisibility makes it impossible for him to land his skillshots.


Blitzcrank is a poor match for you in lane as you simply don't have enough damage to back him up until you have Berserker's Greaves and a few points in your W Silver Bolts. His level one is also quite weak so you have weak chances of winning a trade even with a hook landed. You should give up control of the wave and allow the enemy to push into you.

Beware if they manage to stack 3+ waves as that will make it easy for them to poke you without worrying about the hook. Your go chances are when the wave in your tower is trimmed or when the wave is frozen just outside it, but you should ideally only start the trade yourself if the enemy is extremely out of position. Otherwise it's best to wait for Blitzcrank to initiate the play.

Post level 6 your burst potential is very high, but watch out as Blitzcrank will look to roam and you'll be likely left alone.


This champion completely relies on hitting his Q Rocket Grab on you in order to be useful. It's extremely important to stand behind minions and slow push waves to make it harder for him to hit his Q Rocket Grab. That's usually hard for you to do because you are low ranged and have no wave clear so look to do that when the wave bounces from your turret (most likely after the first 3 waves).

If you're crossing into Blitzcrank's side of the lane and you have no idea where the enemy jungler is make sure to ward, otherwise you can easily get ganked as Blitzcrank has great gank setup once he's Level 3 vs you since he can just Flash + E Power Fist.

Later on, watch out for fog (fog of war) and never face check into it because Blitzcrank will probably be waiting there for a pick. In fights if you see Blitzcrank stepping up, remember to hold your Q Tumble to dodge his hook or kite back behind your team as he can also Flash and E Power Fist you. Also remember that his ultimate breaks your Shieldbow so if you are anywhere near him and his teammates while low on HP, you are certainly in range of dying.


Brand is not very strong at level 1 due to him not having access to his stun, however his poke is quite strong and he can shift the priority of the lane by himself. However, once he uses W Pillar of Flame on the wave he is susceptible to engages and you, as Vayne, don't have the disengage or damage to win the trade afterwards. Hence it's really important to show up first in lane against most matchups as it gives you the ability to control the lane without having to rely on Brand.

Once he has his combo try to focus on short trades, but don't be the one to engage. Wait for him to land his stun, otherwise you are likely to get run down if you commit too hard.

Your sole opportunity to be proactive with Brand in lane is to look for a Flash + Condemn (or just Condemn) play if an enemy plays too close to a wall as it allows Brand to land his full combo.


Brand's most important skills of his kit in lane phase are his W Pillar of Flame (which is the main damage source) and his Q Sear (which enables his stun). Both of these are skillshots and if you dodge either of them with your Tumble, you either dodge his main damage combo (with passive application) or his stun which allows you to engage into a trade and chase him.

As mentioned previously, Brand is weak level 1, however into Vayne, he has the advantage that because of Vayne's low range she will most likely be in her minion wave. Therefore, he can just aim the skillshot at her and regardless of whether you dodge it or not, he will hit the minion wave getting the push. Try to look to stay in the sides of the wave when possible to deter the Brand from getting a value Pillar of Flame as a push from Brand will likely end up in a stack crash and you will end up conceding minions under tower.

Since Brand's a mage, he's completely useless without his abilities; if you notice that he either used all of his abilities on your support, is out of mana or simply has them on cooldown, consider an all-in.

Be very careful of sticking together with your teammates whenever Brand's Level 6 since his ultimate Pyroclasm will bounce between targets and deal A LOT of damage if you don't split apart quickly.


Braum is one of the best pairings for Vayne in general as his aim is to protect you and prevent dives, along with his passive which adds a really easy stun because of Vayne's Q Tumble allowing her to reset an auto windup* and proc it easily.

He is however very weak into ranged champions (and especially supports) just like Vayne which means that hard matchups will become even harder in these circumstances. He also can't aid with contesting the lane unless you get to lane first.

If your Braum misses his Q Winter's Bite in early levels then be extra careful as he's kinda useless without it but if it hits then you can most likely get a really good free trade.


You shouldn't have any issues playing vs Braum as long as you stay behind minions / support to prevent him from landing Q Winter's Bite on you.

Braum's at his weakest whenever his E Unbreakable is on cooldown as that's his main defensive tool and it has a HUGE cooldown of 16 seconds so fight whenever it's down but be cautious of his Q Winter's Bite.


Galio relies on combo-ing his abilities in order to lock down & oneshot the target, so don't expect too much from him level 1 UNLESS he manages to land his W Shield of Durand / E Justice Punch in which case you can walk up and get some free damage on whomever he locks down.

If Galio starts with Q then he's only useful when hitting the wave along with poking the enemies. Try to hit the wave when he does that as his after-Q AoE will zone out the enemies of certain positions and that allows you to hit the wave without getting hit back. Beware that the CD is still high early and you can't force all-ins or trades until he is level 3.

The synergy is quite good as with his Q and passive he can help you trim waves against dives or set up a push in lanes where you want to control it.

In trades try to play in a line behind him somewhat instead of in a line parallel to the enemies as you could get punished for extending the trades.


Be careful of walking too close to the bushes as Galio LOVES to sit in them patiently waiting for you to walk close enough for him to W Shield of Durand. So long you have vision or play away from the bushes you should be fine since he has a hard time engaging onto you. Be VERY FOCUSED against him since he will try to Flash + E Shield of Durand you so he can guarantee his spells or straight up Flashing in with Nimbus Cloak and running at you.

Later on it should be very easy to kite him as he no longer has any flashy ways to engage (W Shield of Durand+ Flash combo removed) and he'll attempt to act as a secondary engage most likely.

Otherwise this matchup should be quite safe and you shouldn't have issues scaling up into your spikes.


She will constantly be looking to poke with her E Lucent Singularity since it slows the enemies before dealing the damage, you can use this to hit your abilities more easily. If she hits the wave this also helps obtain lane prio. You could be looking to trade off her W Prismatic Barrier shield but it's quite insignificant.

This is generally not a very good pairing for you, and you best chance to get a lead through lane is if she lands a clutch binding. Otherwise you should be looking to farm up and try to survive most matchups you face.


Keep at least 2 minions between you and her so she can't land Q Light Binding on you, since it can only hit 2 targets. Mainly you just wait for her to use Q Light Binding if you want to all-in and E Lucent Singularity/W Prismatic Barrier if you want to trade. Stay as healthy as possible and all-in as soon as you can since she is pretty bad in all-ins if she can't land/doesn't have her spells. Focus on punishing her cooldowns and when she runs out of mana.

It's quite impossible to dodge her E Lucent Singularity as even with your Q Tumble, her range is long enough that you won't have time to react or she will predict your Q Tumble and look to follow up with her Q Light Binding afterwards.

It's important to know which minions to give up (especially casters) as this is a very hard lane. Look for your spikes ( Berserker's Greaves, Level 6, Level 9, etc) to create openings as she's really weak against an all-in.


Just like Leona this is a hard lane to play for you because of the anti-synergy between your champions. Your kill pressure gets high the more you level up and at level 6 with just a Bersekers recall you can look to all-in in most lanes. Until then you should aim to wait for a good Nautilus hook and look for short trades rather than all-ins.

Letting the enemy push into you also enables Nautilus to find more opportunities for hooks when the wave gets trimmed either before tower or under it.


Always keep minions between you and him so that he's unable to hook you. Slow pushing is highly effective against him for this same reason.

Your small range is not an issue because of the conditional ability for Nautilus to hit a hook. However as he gets 6, you will start losing lane because of his ability to lock you down without having the ability to dodge the CC. If he ever misses hook you can look to turn on him as he doesn't have any innate tank abilities like other CC supports.

Beware in fights and wait for him to use his ultimate Depth Charge before jumping in with R+Q so that you won't get locked down. Positioning is also important as he can also catch you with an R Depth Charge on one of your teammates so look to Q Tumble to the side if that ever happens.


Pantheon sees less play in the support role, but he is still effective at what he does. His all-in potential is one of the highest of any support and he pairs damage with a lot of raw front-loaded damage. Play around his opportunities and follow up his engages as he makes up for a lot of your early damage.

If the enemy has double ranged it will be very hard to secure a push in the early levels, but you can try to trim the wave before it crashes or freeze it outside of tower to create space for Pantheon to pressure the enemy ranged support. Against CC supports, this becomes quite hard (unless it's Alistar) as the pressure you can create for him is negated and you will be likely outranged which leads to unfavourable trades if you try to trim or freeze the wave.

Another strength of Pantheon is roaming and you can play for that if the lane matchup allows you to control the tempo.


Cleanse is very good against him since his goal in every lane is to oneshot you in a CC spell rotation. His goal will be to slow push waves and roam when they crash, mainly after 6; pings and wards are important if you're ever shoved in. A good way to counter him is to keep him low HP and under tower. Play very aggressively whenever his W is on cooldown or he has 0 passive Mortal Will stacks.

Look to stay out of range of his W Shield Vault at all times because the reaction timer for his F+W Shield Vault for you to Condemn is really low. Your aim is to play diagonally from him, let him shove and farm under tower.


Pyke is pretty much a roaming champ so he wants to slow push waves and rotate when they crash. Pyke's largely have two ways of playing, either for all-in or for a pick, changing the commitment level that they initially make for a play. The default stance they have is to stay in fog and charge their Q to attempt a pick as trying to land a hook in the middle of the lane is impossible through the minion wave.

He is anti-synergetic with Vayne because he prefers having someone set up his hook or someone that can push fast. Vayne does neither and hence in this lane you're likely to be left alone after a bounce resulting in you needing to scrap for resources. Collect only minions that you can get (melee, cannons) and run away from the tower if you are alone and the enemy is crashing 3+ waves.

If Pyke tries playing through lane then pay attention and wait for an opportunity when he either lands a Q Bone Skewer or if chooses to E Phantom Undertow + F over the opponents.


Stay inside minion waves to avoid getting hooked by him. His goal is to slow push while looking for all-ins and roam when they crash. Focus on warding and not letting him crash waves. If he ever wastes his hook you can play aggressively. Be careful of him E'ing forwards and then flashing behind you to guarantee the stun; track his flash and be ready to react to his whenever it's up. Stay out of range whenever your Flash is on cooldown. After 6 it's important to stay very healthy so he can't go in with his ult Death from Below and kill you.

It's not very hard to predict his E Phantom Undertow + F combo but you should look to always Flash it instead of q Tumble as the animation is slower than that of Pyke's E retract and if he Flashes in time your Condemn will push him towards you still.

Short trades are not very useful due to his passive Gift of the Drowned Ones so it's best to play conservatively to scale to your spikes.


Rakan is a support that is jack of all trades meaning that while he doesn't excel at either laning nor roaming, neither of them are weak. His biggest strength is in his engages post-6 however. He should have W Grand Entrance level 1 so be ready to hit whoever he knocks up. His Q Gleaming Quill provides a bit of sustain during the lane. Don't get baited by his engages, remember he can easily disengage with his E Battle Dance, just make sure you're in range for him to E you so he can get in and out of fights.

Since his kit allows for swift trades you can play around him engaging with his W Grand Entrance to proc your W Silver Bolts and then Condemn the enemy who trades back or engages into you as he can easily escape with his E Battle Dance.

You most likely won't have priority in lane, but like all all-in lanes, you can bypass that if you don't leash and cheese in a bush at level 1.


This matchup becomes harder the more the game progresses due to Rakan's engage getting better once he reaches level 6. In lane it's quite easy to dodge his W Grand Entrance with your Q Tumble so never look to trade with Q Tumble into the enemy, instead keeping it to dodge the re-engage from Rakan. This isn't necessarily bad as it allows you to farm freely while waiting for your spikes.

Once he gets 6, you'll have to play further back as his R>E>F>W is undodgeable almost. Play deeper and wait for opportunities both in lane and in fights as otherwise you'll get caught out.


Rell will always begin with W level 1 and here she has two modes of playing her level 1. Because of your low all-in potential level 1, it's very hard to actively play the lane at the beginning. Look to scale up to your spikes and give up unnecessary creeps when you'll have to trade your HP for them.

Rell excels at peeling due to her E Attract and Repel, so into hard engage matchups she can also act like a warden. So long as you are not heavily out-ranged you can look to trade more aggressively after your first base, relying on Rell to stun whoever engages on you to then re-engage into them for the all-in.


Rell will always begin with W Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up level 1 and here she has two modes of playing her level 1. Either she stays mounted and awaits for a fast trade level 1, against which you can just poke her down when she goes for last hits on her support item using Q Tumble to dodge her W Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up, or more likely she'll use W Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up preemptively in lane to gain the shield and negate your level 1 poke. Depending on the full matchup, you might want to attack the wave instead to contest for level 2. Her W Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up cooldown is 13 seconds so it's easily abusable if she misses it or uses it to gain pseudo-hp in a small trade.

Should you dodge her W Ferromancy - Crash Down / Mount Up it's very easy to kite due to her low movement speed so feel free to re-engage and run her down.

The main issue comes later on in teamfights where you'll have to split up from your teammates in order to dodge a possible Rell engage with F>W>R>E. Once stuck in her ult it breaks Vayne's mobility so your champions strength is nullified. Always play opposite from her side to maintain distance and immediately Condemn if she W's.


Yet another anti-synergetic champion, Senna is a support that looks to trade really aggressively due to her range, heal and passive. Her kit can carry your level 1 if played properly, but watch out not to overextend in lane as you'll draw minion aggro more likely than her if you match her trades. Currently all Senna's run either Fleet Footwork or Grasp of the Undying (due to the change to Glacial Augment) so it's harder to follow up on her trades in general.

Consider her in lane as a ladder that boosts your lane phase and accelerates your ability to contest CS and trade more safely. Watch out that since you are both ranged and squishy, you can get dove even without a 3+ wave stack.


She wants to trade on you as much as possible so play around your support so you both trade on her when she walks up. Be careful to never get hit for free since she can heal and stack a soul when she AA+Q's.


She's quite weak before level 3 and she will probably just poke a little bit with Q High Note or E Beat Drop, so you should play passively until then. Only trade when Seraphine has her shield up so that you take less damage than your opponent.

Just like Senna she's very squishy and has low disengage ability so beware of low wave stacks or jungle dives.

Trade patterns are pretty straight-forward, if she lands a Echoed E then you can play for the trade, otherwise it's best to leave her finish the trade and back off, only joining if the enemy finds an opportunity to re-engage into her.


Because of her weak early laning (pre-3) and the fact that you can easily dodge her E Beat Drop which is her most important skill, you should have a pretty easy time against her. Just like any ranged supports that have AoE, you should look to not sit in your minion wave as that gives her an easy way to either poke you or push the wave.

Under tower, don't greed for ranged creeps and try to pick up whatever you can without getting poked down too much.

If an engage happens, it's usually easy to kill the Seraphine once out of position but watch out when chasing as her E can completely shut it down.

You can also opt into taking Cleanse as it's useful against her ultimate, but this also comes down to the full matchup.


You have to be prepared to follow Sett's engages at all times as they can be quite sudden at times since he wants to Flash in a lot. Your job is to follow him and attack the target as fast as possible.

Slow pushing is very good with Sett and dives are not that hard because of his huge W Haymaker shield.

This lane plays a bit like the Pantheon one so your main role is to follow your support.


Be very careful level 1 if you don't know what ability he has since they usually level E Facebreaker and Flash in on the first wave. If he has W Haymaker or Q Knuckle Down play aggressively and poke him as much as you can. Remember to not walk up if he has Flash/Hexflash and your Flash is on CD.

Because Vayne has such low waveclear in her kit, it makes it quite impossible, but if you can you should attempt to stack waves and harass Sett when you crash the wave under tower. While his passive regen is strong the lower his HP pool is, you can bait out his potions or W Haymaker which puts him in lethal range later on. Beware of sitting near your ranged creeps too closely as that makes it easy for him to F>E you.


This matchup acts like the Maokai one, but to an even worse level. Unless the enemy support is Rakan, you are pretty much playing the lane 1v2. You can't really play with him either so your best chance is to salvage as much of this lane phase as possible.


Shaco's quite useless if you purchase the Oracle Lens trinket level 1 so I definitely recommend doing that or having your support do it; basically as you're entering into the lane use it and then get rid of all of the boxes which pretty much renders him useless.

Be careful not to overextend into their side of the lane as there could be a bunch of boxes lurking there, so make sure to sweep if you're uncertain.

Shaco support being the enemy allows you to pretty much always get the push regardless of the enemy AD so you have more options while playing the lane depending on the state of your jungler and support.


Try to trade if she uses her Q Hymn of Valor by harassing the enemy bot lane and play passively until level 6 where you could all-in if she lands a stun and you have enough of an HP advantage. Overall you should focus on farming and scaling alongside her.


It's quite hard to stay out of her Q Hymn of Valor range so make sure to trade back into her if she chooses to do so. Play on her side of the lane to enable it and always ward her bush to discourage her from trading into you. After level 2, her W Aria of Perseverance shield makes it a bit harder to win the trade as she will also out-damage you until level 6.

After hitting your spike (level 9) you can treat her like a ranged creep.


Play parallel to her so that when she walks up to Q Starcall you can auto attack or harass them easily with the slow if it does. If they have no heals or shields don't be afraid to trade aggressively since Soraka can heal you back up. You two will be very weak to hard engage so play cautiously if the enemy team has any.


Focus mainly on dodging her Q Starcall so she can't heal and harassing her over the ADC so that she loses as much health as possible; once she's in lethal go in so the fight is essentially 1v2 instantly. Play around whatever engage you have in your team since she's really weak to it.

So long as you can consistently poke her while dodging her Q Starcall she has no self-sustain, so poking her under tower can easily lead to kills or big leads.


You have to be prepared to trade or engage whenever Swain lands his E Nevermove; if he misses his E Nevermove then back off for 10 seconds until it's back up as Swain's practically useless without it. You have really good trades but mainly you want to play on your side of the lane and counter engage or trade them down to lethal and kill them off Swain's E Nevermove.

Generally this is a bad pairing for you as Swain is a rather self-centered support so you'll have to make do with whatever you can get. The only advantage is that he can setup some nice Condemn angles with his passive.


There's one ability that you have to be wary of, Swain's E Nevermove. It doesn't matter if you hide behind your minions as the ability will hit you if your the last target it passes through. Learn the range of his E Nevermove and always play a bit more forward in your minion line. Remember that Q-ing aggressively is always better into Swain than dodging back or to the side.

If his E Nevermove is on cooldown (10s) you are playing the lane 2v1 so feel free to punish the enemy ADC on every minion.

Your kit hard counters his so as the game progresses you should be able to shred him easily.


Taric's level one is incredibly weak so you should give up the wave and prepare for a wave stack. Once Taric hits level 3 it becomes a bit more playable especially into engage supports because of the immediate peel and good low-ranged ability of both champions. Take every fight where the enemy engages on Taric and you are not in lethal range. Into ranged matchups it won't get better at all and your best opportunity will be to engage with R>Q into them at level 6 abusing Taric's W Bastion ability to land a long-distance stun.

Your aim should be to survive the early game as you both scale incredibly well with levels and items.


This matchup is fairly balanced as you don't have clear opportunities into him because of his E Dazzle, but nor does he have a way to engage or poke you. You can play this as a hard scaling matchup where you focus on farming and trying to scale as fast as possible (unless you are playing vs Kalista + Taric).

Dodging his E Dazzle with your Q Tumble is fairly simple and that gives you a huge window to trade aggressively into him. Don't get baited however into fighting him melee range as he outsustain your damage with his healing if he manages to autoattack somebody.

Whenever Taric has ult Cosmic Radiance it's better to try and bait it and then DISENGAGE until it's gone; if you're confident that you can kill the enemies before it procs then go for it as it takes 2.5 seconds for the channel to go through.


Thresh's level 1 with his E Flay along with your Q Tumble makes for a pretty strong level 1 granted that you can get in range of the opponents. Not leashing is recommended as you can get control of the lane and dictate the pace of it. Any short trade at level 1 should result in the enemy burning one potion at least or even perhaps a summoner spell.

Because he is a pseudo-ranged champion he can aid you quite easily with shoving a wave so that helps your lack of waveclear.

From level 2, when he levels his hook you can start looking for all-ins on his F>E Flay or landed hooks. Don't take a point at level 2 in case he finds a good hook on the enemy support staying in the bush as that will make for an easy Condemn and a burnt Flash from the opponent. Take care because after this point your lane gets weaker against most matchups and you'll have to play from behind.

In general the lane is dictated by the Thresh so you should look to follow him on trades.


It's important to know which ability Thresh started, and in order to do so press on him and in the top-left corner you'll see his champion's HUD and if you see the Flay Icon in there that means he started Flay, if not he started hook.

Beware of his level 1 trade with E>Auto as that can deal an unexpected amount of damage that you won't be able to trade back through his Guardian (should he have Guardian and not Glacial Augment or Predator).

If he started Flay simply don't walk into the Flay range (537) so if you're always at max range when AA'ing he can't hit you, and if he started with hook then simply stand behind the minions in order to avoid that. Thresh's pretty weak until he gets his Q Death Sentence - E Flay combo level 2 though so don't be scared to harass him.


Mage supports are some of the worst synergies for Vayne so you will have to let him lead the lane as you can't follow most of his trades. As he pokes down the enemy that will give you openings to farm without getting punished so use it as a cheat code to bypass the lane phase.

If you have lane pressure it's good to stack waves to allow him to land his poke under the enemy tower easily, but beware of the enemy junglers pathing as you both being ranged squishies will attract a lot of unwanted attention.


Try to walk up and bait the Vel'Koz to throw out his Q Plasma Fission ASAP, sidestep or Q Tumble it if you can and then you can trade for around 6 seconds until it's back up again.

This lane can go either way depending on how much poke Vel'Koz lands on you and on the rest of the champions in this matchup as it can snowball hard either way. It's best if you don't let the enemy stack waves in your tower, but it's likely that it will happen given Vel'Koz's ability to zone you off the wave with his poke. You can cheat the lane state by forcing him to push the wave faster than he wants (hitting a 2 wave stack instead of a 3 wave stack) by baiting his skillshots (Q Plasma Fission and W Void Rift) to hit the wave.

It's very important to NEVER get hit by his E Tectonic Disruption as you'll be knocked up and CC'd which can put you in lethal range easily. Normally you'd have no issue dodging it with Q Tumble, but his Q Plasma Fission makes it hard for you to choose a good place to Q Tumble towards.


This matchup plays exactly like the Vel'Koz one with the exception that it's even easier for Xerath to hit his poke if you manage to crash a stacked wave under the enemy tower.

Compared to Vel'Koz his CC is also easier to land and stronger allowing you to even get in range to follow it up with a Condemn given that the stun increases in duration with the distance travelled.


If you've never played dodgeball in your life, then this is the best simulator in a video game for it. Your aim will be to dodge his poke throughout the whole lane phase, either with Q Tumble or sidestepping, while farming up as much as you can and hoping either your support or jungler wants to take you out for prom.

It becomes increasingly harder even after first recall where he gets a bit more AP. Boots are your most important buy as it will allow you to save Q Tumble and sidestep the skillshots normally.

Don't get baited by him missing a skillshot and Q-ing in immediately forward as that secures an easy E Shocking Orb land on you. Try your best to use the passive move speed to dodge somewhat forward the skillshot.


Be careful as Zilean doesn't do much except dealing some poke damage with his Q Time Bomb so DON'T walk up too deep, simply harass the enemy. Don't walk up past the enemy melee minions and / or get engaged on by the enemy support.

However, when Zilean reaches level 2 he's a bit stronger since he's able to stun the enemy by landing Q Time Bomb into Q Time Bomb which is a small window for you to walk up and trade a bit but it's going to be hard to all-in unless the enemy is overextended or already low HP prior to the engage.

Generally, Zilean's a scaling champion, his early game isn't all that great but he becomes a nice support in mid-game with all the movement speed, zoning with his Q Time Bomb as well as the amazing revive with his R Chronoshift. I wouldn't say that you should trust Zilean 100% to R Chronoshift you though.


Try to walk up level 1 & bait the Zilean Q Time Bomb as soon as possible, and then try to sidestep into harassing the enemies for 8 seconds before it's back up again.

It's quite easy to all-in together with your support as Zilean's pretty much useless if he doesn't hit his Q's on you since he's really squishy.

You pretty much only need to avoid 1 of the Zilean Q's as he's not able to stun you unless he lands both of them, so it's very common to sidestep Zilean Q Time Bomb and then all-in right after.

Take in mind that if you're inside the explosion zone of his Q Time Bomb and he lands the bombs on your support or a minion you will still get stunned.


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